Scenic City Weddings

How to Look Sun-Kissed Without the Tanning Bed

Skin Care >

No bride wants a complexion so pale and pasty that it’s impossible to distinguish her skin from her wedding dress. But basking in the sun or plopping down inside a tanning booth can cause sunburns that are impossible to hide.

Luckily, there are plenty of sunless tanning options that can help you look radiant without the risk, says Dr. Joel Schlessinger, an Omaha, Neb. dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon and president of

“Additionally, they don’t open you to the possibility of infections from the booth or wrinkles and skin cancer down the line,” he says.

For an event as important as a wedding, consider opting for professional airbrushing, which typically costs around $95 for a 30-minute salon treatment.

Mystic Tan booths also are an option, but be aware that small movements or squinting can lead to erratic coverage.

For the best results, exfoliate every morning for a few days pre-application, and shaving the day before. You also should thoroughly moisturize your whole body in the few days prior, but skip all lotion, perfume and deodorant the day-of.

If you’re low on funds, you can always go the DIY route with bottled self-tanners. “These products have improved greatly in the last few years, with little or no streaking,” says Schlessinger.

Just be sure you test out any self-tanning process at least two weeks in advance to avoid unnatural colors, streaks, allergic reactions, etc. And plan your final tan for two days prior to your big day.

© Bride365

Tags: tanning, skin care