Scenic City Weddings

I Do’s Go Digital

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Technology is omnipresent today – from checking the weather app on our phone in the morning to locking the door at night with a smart security system. So it makes sense that technology is also a part of the biggest day of our lives.

According to The Knot 2016 Real Weddings Study, 22 percent of couples utilized some type of technology into their wedding day last year. The 10th annual report surveyed almost 13,000 U.S. brides and grooms who say ‘I do’ in 2016. The wedding day technology included everything from GoPros hidden in bouquets to catch the walk down the aisle to live streaming videos to share the event with far-flung loved ones.

The report also found that 64 percent of couples created a hashtag to commemorate the day. They shared these with guests via their wedding website (48 percent), table tent cards (32 percent), programs (20 percent) and invitations (19 percent).

Wedding tech wasn’t limited to the big day, either. The number of couples who used their smartphones in the planning process more than doubled from 42 percent in 2014 to 90 percent in 2016. The most popular mobile planning activity? Searching for wedding gowns (62 percent).

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Tags: trends, technology, digital