Scenic City Weddings

2 Tips for Grooming the Groom

Grooms >

Although the bride is, unequivocally, the focus of the big day, grooms, too, should do their part to look their best.

A little bit of grooming goes a long way, and considering the momentous effort a bride puts into her wedding day appearance, her future husband should strive to look worthy of such loveliness, if not for himself than for posterity’s sake.

“Your wedding is one of the most memorable days of your life – and the most photographed,” says Morgan Blaul, a Chicago-based professional hair stylist and makeup artist. “You should go the extra mile to look fabulous.”

Follicle Finesse

Since makeup is out of the equation, putting in that extra effort doesn’t take much. Kristen Lober, a freelance makeup artist in Newark, Del., suggests starting with facial hair. “A little eyebrow waxing or plucking by a professional doesn't hurt ahead of time,” she says.

But that doesn’t have to mean perfectly manscaped arches. “Just a little cleaning up to open up the face,” Lober says. She also suggests going to a salon for a professional shave.

Put Your Best Face On

While it may put grooms out of their comfort zone, both beauty pros speak highly of the powers of a good facial. “Some men are open to it, and it works wonders,” Lober says. If your groom deems a facial excessive, moisturizing at the very least is recommended. “Keep the face well moisturized, as well as the lips,” Lober says. On the big day, Blaul says a groom can look great in just a few easy steps. “Moisturize, a little powder and some product for the hair and he should be good to go,” she says.

And while the word “manicure” may immediately have grooms-to-be shaking their heads “no,” Lober suggests it, recommending grooms look at pre-wedding treatments as a way to de-stress before the big day arrives. “All of these things can be nice to do to relax and help in the stress of planning,” she says.

After all, we all enjoy a little pampering now and again. Who says brides get to have all the fun?

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Tags: groom, facial, beauty